The Miller crew headed down to McAlester last weekend to spend some time with some very special friends of ours....The Jackson's. I was raised in McAlester and lived there for the first 16 years of my life before moving to Tulsa. The Jackson's lived right around the corner from us, went to church with us, our parents were best friends, and I pretty much don't have single childhood memory that doesn't include this family. They are more than friends to us....they are our family. We left our house at 8 am (no small feat with three young kids) and made it to McAlester in time to go to church at Lakewood Christian Church...the church I grew up in and where my dad preached for 16 years. After that we headed back to the Jackson's for lunch and to hang out with friends. My friend Joy and her family were able to come join us as well....SO FUN! Of course I had to snap a few pics of their families! Here are some of my favorites....
A few days in Chichicastenango, Guatemala
8 months ago
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