Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I have been in big trouble from Michael's dad (D-Dad as my kids call him) for not posting enough pictures of his grandbabies on the blog lately.  He says that ever since I started taking pictures for OTHER people, there aren't enough pictures of HIS babies anymore.  So....this one is for you D-Dad!  Here are a few pics I took of Cohen Crosby yesterday morning while we had a lazy day.  That translates to "It is too freakin' cold to try to get three kids out so we are all going to lay around in our pj's all day."  Cohen turned 9 months old on Saturday and I will be doing his "official" 9 month post soon...hopefully.  We have to go to the doctor this week and get his height and weight check and I need to take a few more pictures of him first!

Super happy face.  This is the face he makes when his big brother is making him laugh.

Look at that sweet profile.  I am so in love with this little boy.

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