Sun and rain. Fire and ice. A little crazy but it's nice....
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Trip to Guthrie to meet Piper
One of my bestfriends from graduate school, Shanna Gann, had a precious baby girl almost 6 weeks ago. Unfortunately, due to our vacation, sick kids, and prolonged family visits at Shanna's house, I was just able to make it up to meet this precious baby girl. Of course I couldn't resist getting my camera out and snapping a few pictures of this beautiful baby and her beautiful mother! Love you are an incredible mother and I can't wait to watch Piper grow into the amazing young woman that God intends her to be! By the way...I can't believe that just a year ago I was heading down to Lake Texoma with the girls for your wedding and here you are just one year later holding your beautiful baby girl. Isn't it amazing what blessings the past year have brought you?!?! Congratulations to you and Tyler!
I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I love photography, cooking, planning parties, and hanging out with family and friends. I met the love of my life when I was 17 years old (he was 16) and we married five years later. Even when we were just kids ourselves, we had a dream of marrying and having a big family. We have had three kids in the last four years so I guess we are now living that dream! Sometimes it's crazy. Sometimes it is chaotic...but it's our life, it's our dream, and we love it!
Yea! I met and sat with Shanna at your shower/brunch for Cohen. I am so happy Piper made it safe and sound. Tell Shanna congrats from me!