I am sorry to say people that it was NOT all fun and games. This is what happens to your husband's ankle when he likes to play football at the tailgate with all of his competitive buddies. Luckily Dr. Good (my friend Bethany's husband) was there and said nothing was broken. He just couldn't walk or do anything for the rest of the day.....awesome!
And this is what happens when your child has explosive diarrhea in his poopersaucer, I mean EXERCAUSER, at the tailgate. Yes people, look closely at his feet and you will see what I am talking about. This was super fun to clean up.

Cohen getting some kisses from Bethany who finally got to meet him for the first time!
Roomie picture....
80 University roomie picture. Yes, we went back to our old college house to relive the glory days. Yes, we took a picture in front of the old house. Yes, we even knocked on the front door and ask if we could go in and see the old house. And yes, we walked around the entire house and relived the glory days with the new tenants of the house. Yes, they are probably still laughing at us and making fun of us right now. No, we don't care because we're cool like that. Right Bethany? Sue and Rachel....wish you guys could have been there for the roommate reunion!
Girls Picture
Guys picture minus Shane and Brock...not sure where they went but it was pretty much impossible to get all the guys together for a picture since they spent a several hour period going on undercover spy missions down to the huge Georgia tailgate to try and steal their flag. Yes they did steal the flag (thank you Daniel Fritts). Yes they did almost get in a fight. No my husband was not involved (thank God for the ankle sprain).
Lauren and Bethany

Looks like a kick butt tailgate! I'm sorry we missed you. Hollar if you come again...would love to see you and your beautimous kiddos.