So I could write a big list of things I want to accomplish in 2010 but I am not going to. Because there is really only one thing that is of total importance and that is to be happy in 2010...for our family to have HAPPINESS. I bought my sister a birthday card today and this is what it read,
Reminiscing about yesterday,
looking forward to tomorrow,
and enjoying today completely."
It struck me like a ton of bricks. Because on the first day of 2010 rather than writing New Year's resolutions and being excited about the future, I found myself thinking, "If we can just get through this year. If we can just make it through this year will be better." WARNING FLAG PEOPLE: NOT a good way to start off a year. It is time for a big attitude adjustment. Here is the problem, I think.....
2009 was not what I consider a "happy" year. To be honest, it was one of the hardest years of my life thus far. We had one of the biggest blessings....Cohen Crosby's birth, but also experienced our biggest loss...the loss of Michael's dad, our beloved D-Dad. He was diagnosed with cancer two weeks after I had my precious baby boy and nine months later, we said goodbye to him forever. Just two weeks after his death we found ourselves ringing in a New Year where one is suppose to make "New Year's Resolutions" and be so excited about all that is to come in the "New Year!!" Yeah Right.
Life is crazy right now. There is a reason that my blog is entitled, "Miller Party of Five....Sun & Rain, Fire & Ice, A little crazy but it's nice." Those are the words to a Garth Brooks song entitled "She's Every Woman." Michael burned me a cd when we were in high school (what a romantic!!!) and it was the very first song on the cd. I had never heard it so I looked at him and said "What song is this? Why did you put a song I've never heard before on the cd?" I know....really nice, huh. I have a problem with saying whatever I think sometimes. Sorry. He simply replied, "Listen to the words."
"She's sun and rain, she's fire and ice. A little crazy but it's nice.
And when she gets mad, you best leave her alone.
'Cause she'll rage just like a river
Then she'll beg you to forgive her
Oh, she's every woman that I've ever known."
That song has always had a special place in my heart after that. And yes, I am a little bit crazy as those of you who know me well can atest to.....but I like to tell myself that it's a "nice" kind of crazy. Anyways....all that to say....that is also how I would describe our family life. "A little crazy but it's nice." We have 3 kids that are 4 years apart. We are pretty much on the go constantly. We always are tackling some new project...remodeling a fire damaged house and flipping it, building a new house, starting a new business, coaching t-ball, going to a party, birthday party, shower, wedding, or any other type of party, etc...To be quite honest, we like our lives a little bit busy...."A little crazy, but it's nice." But I find myself looking into the New Year at all we have going on and thinking that this year it is not going to be a "nice" kind of crazy but a hectic, frustrating, pull your hair out, mental breakdown kind of crazy. That is why I was not looking forward to 2010.
OK..all that to say. I've been praying. I've been adjusting my attitude. I've been praying and adjusting my attitude and thinking for about 4 days now and finally, I am ready to write this post. So here is my New Year's Resolution. TO JUST BE HAPPY. Which means to "reminisce about the past (we love you and miss you D-dad), but look forward to tomorrow, and ENJOY TODAY COMPLETELY." Slow down. Spend time with my babies. Love them. Hug them. Kiss on them. Spend time with my husband. ENJOY TODAY COMPLETELY.
That is my New Year's Resolution. Short and sweet. And now I can honestly say....BRING IT ON 2010. I am excited to see what you hold in store for the Miller family because I know that we are promised this...
"No test comes your way that is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it.
1 Corinthians 10:13 (The Message)
A few days in Chichicastenango, Guatemala
8 months ago
Love it! What a great resolution!!!
ReplyDeleteYou deserve all the happiness in the world.
ReplyDeletePS The picture of Emmy in your earlier post of her yelling at the boys...the black and white one.... might be my favorite picture of her ever. She couldn't be cuter if she tried!